10 is the Birthday code today being Wednesday 7th February 2024.
Reason because God's +1 time factor is having me witness completion of another decade today in life and also birth newly published "WINNING THE ERA" as 10th book title now live in soft copy (eBook) format, Paperback format, and Hardcover format - all available on different Amazon marketplace or Amazon stores worldwide.
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Winning the ERA (economy, rate, advancement) is not mere rhetorics.
Winning the ERA is not cheap talk either.
Winning the ERA comes with a price tag.
Winning the ERA will cost you energy, time, resources.
Winning the ERA will stretch you beyond comfort zones.
There is no better time than NOW to begin preparation and remain consistent.
The ERA is highly competitive and winning the same will take from you.
I'm pretty sure you don't want to be left behind.
The ball is in your court, the decision is yours to make.
Obtaining KNOWLEDGE that works is however the first port of call for anyone who is serious about a worthy course.
There are two sides to a coin, there are also two sides to every transition as well.
One side there is a RISE and the other side there is a FALL.
Businesses are formed and Businesses are lost.
Jobs are created and Jobs are lost.
Fortunes are made via investments and Fortunes are lost via investments.
No sugar quoting nor mincing words, I say it as it is.
A whole lot more happen both positively and negatively during transitions.
Your level of preparation in form of relevant applicable knowledge, sophistication, education, awareness----determines the category you belong.
Hence the reason I sincerely write with great sense of posterity, concern, love, passion----to equip you and many others to be reached with requisite information that works.
I do not communicate cunningly devised fables but truths that will make you wiser, stronger, and keep you going in the coming days, weeks, months, and years ahead.
STAY TUNED, PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAP AND GET A COPY TO READ ON................................................................................................................................................................
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