"The rich do not work for money."!....If you want to be rich, you have to know the difference between good money and bad money, assets and liabilities.”!
"Unfortunately, the poor and middle class buy things that have even less value than their money. They turn cash into trash. Meanwhile, the rich buy things like businesses, stocks, real estate, and commodities like gold, silver, etc......with their money!
"They are looking for secure securities in a time when money has an ever-decreasing real value. That's why it is constantly being said; ‘The rich do not work for money.’!
"The rich are smart enough to know that money is worth less and less. If you work hard for bad money and do not know the difference between assets, liabilities, good securities, and bad securities, you may struggle financially all your life!
"It is truly a shame that those who work the hardest and are paid the least suffer the most from this constant erosion of money’s value.
"People who do the hardest work have the hardest time getting ahead due to the effects of Gresham’s Law; (an economic law which states that bad money will always drive out good money)!
"So, since money has ever-declining value, a financially wise person must constantly seek things that do have value and can also produce more and more debased money!
"If you don’t do that, you fall behind financially over time rather than get ahead.”!
"Over the years, a venerable commodity such as gold metal.....has been considered by smart investors as a "safe haven" in times of economic turmoil and instability in the U.S, Euro-Zone, and the likes'!
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